Saturday, July 18, 2009

this past week, found tommie and me in the dentist chair for our six month cleaning. he in one room. me in another. my dental hygienist is an old family friend. who isn't necessarily digging your teeth for plaque, but rather digging for the juice on other people. she is one of those whine-when-you-talk, drag your words, and errs on the side of negativity. she proceeded to ask me about tommie. what grade, blah, blah, blah. then she fired the question.... the big question... HAS HE STUDIED ABOUT ROOT CANALS? with my mouth stretch open, i could only muster up an "ugh, ugh, ugh." she must of taken that to be a "no." then proceeds to tell me that " really???????? gasp! (in her best whiny voice), my daughter learned about root canals in third grade!" I just smiled, shut my eyes and opened my mouth. See, that's the beauty of homeschooling... when the time comes for him to learn about root canals or whatever... he can go to Mr. Google, and pull up thousands of pages on the subject. He doesn't need a book or a workbook page with fill in the blanks or a passing grade to validate his knowledge for "the time being." Personally, I have no clue what a root canal is or how it's done. Nor, do I really care.

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