Monday, August 31, 2009

today we started back to homeschool. the beauty of this thing called home education as you know... is being able to tweak and twist things up.. to suit your needs.
originally, i had planned a unit study around the 21 balloons novel. i thought it would be a blast! mentioning it to my son, he sort of rolled his eyes and very seriously said, "mom, you know when i grow up i want to be a diesel mechanic and work on heavy equipment.... why can't i learn about things like that?"
what a relief to know what his interest is and have the freedom to redirect our sails ... i pulled out a christian liberty reader about inventors. as of today... our homeschool is centered around this book. (i'll post a picture later). we're both learning about James Watt, the inventor of the steam engine. there is so much information in just the first few pages, that i'm able to break subjects down: scotland, geography, applied math, copywork, spelling and lots of good science. by the way James Watt was homeschooled until he was 14. for science today, tommie made a turbine out of a milk carton.
above: removing honey and honeycomb! and chewing on it! of course! we were able to get one quart and one pint.
first day back? as nice as could be. exhale.

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