Monday, January 4, 2010

today, we started back to homeschool lessons.

honestly, everything was going perfectly excellent.....
until..... math.
it seems like math... i won't name what curriculum we use and have used throughout elementary school... because it worked very well, until 6th grade. however... math lessons turn into world war three, melt-downs, tears, whining, complaining and yes... me wondering why i even chose to homeschool?
i'm wondering if i should scale back, perhaps have tommie do some on-line interactive math lessons... while we build character training? my heart says yes.

on a lighter note, when things were going good... we started a little hydroponics experiment using different sprouts: mung, radish, alfalfa and red clover. very fun. and we're both interested in learning how to grow more this winter.

we also reviewed sir issac newton. discussed the title of "sir" given by english royalty. which led to a brief discussion on sir elton john, sir paul mccartney and so forth. during this time, we learned about how issac was forced into seclusion, because of the black death in london- which closed down cambridge college, where he taught. he moved to the english countryside to his mom's manor (okay, so this word... manor... led to another rabbit trail)... there, issac discovered the law of gravity, and light/prisms. which led to a science experiment.

then math.

for bible study; we've begun the book of romans.

our other core subjects followed.

at 4pm, tommie's boy scout patrol came over and spent two hours making 40 lunches for our church's homeless shelter. the boys were turned loose in the kitchen and required to clean-up, which they did well.

here's a snap of the brown bag lunches:

so what should i do about math?

1 comment:

  1. Well, your sir isaac newton study went better than ours! Seeing Google's tribute to SirI.N. inspired me to look him up and read it aloud. My 1stborn assured me that it was boring, that I'm not her kind of teacher, and I spent the rest of the day grumping around. On the flipside, math is going well because I promised a fast food lunch when she can say her multiplication facts 0-5 within 5mins. She's working hard! lol. Go with your heart on the math! If I know your curric, 6th gr is the last year of it, right? So maybe it's ok to duck out of it early and pursue those online lessons & character training:)
