Wednesday, February 24, 2010

here's an idea for real life learning... you know-to prepare them for the real world! so, they know how to function and not just turn 18 and wander around in circles... like so many nay-sayers warn us against!

how about this...

use a grocery store sale flyer for the day! here's what i did on several occasions:

-add up any 10 items on the sale flyer

-alphabetize the items

-if a loaf of bread is buy 2 get 1 free and the price is $3.25 over all... how much is each individual loaf?

what if you had a coupon for .50 cents off and the store doubled your coupon? what would the final price be on the bread?

look on the bag of bread... where was it made?

look on the bag of bread... read the ingredients.

find a vitamin and research it.

find a mineral and research it.

plan a meal using the flyer. include the basic food groups. how much would this cost you overall? what if four people were eating your dinner... how much a person would this cost you?

make a grocery list.

alphabetize the spices in the cupboard.

when finished... mix up some glue and water (decoupage) and for art, your children could try their hand at decoupaging -using the sale flyer! they could cover a manila file folder, to hold coupons, a tin can with holes poked in it as a quirky candle holder or pencil holder, cover a clipboard, or small notebook for grocery lists!

the list of ideas could go on forever, depending the ages of your children. the really great thing is, multiple ages could work on this together! you just need to sit down and type out your "grocery store flyer scavenger hunt!" be sure to read my comments below... because i've been getting really nice ideas from viewers... which by the way, thank-you!


  1. So many lessons from one sales flyer!
    Thanks :)

  2. What a very practical lesson! My kids love looking at sales papers, I wonder how they would feel about lessons using them? We did cookie baking math today:)

  3. Ivy you're so cool! I was just perusing my blog links and was thinking...who does fun school that isn't so SCHOOL and I thought about you!

    And then I found this and several of my kids would LOVE this activity .

    We'll try it this week. I also dug up a copy of story starters after starting a thread at FIAR about...'cause you know I had to ask and it was a love/hate thing. I asked one hater if she was sellin'! It's on it's way to my house now. ha. And she lives in the same state as I do so that is bonus.

    And one last thing my favorite unschoolish homeschooling online is Miss Holly?? We miss her on the thread. Can you pass along a sweet hello from us all?

    Heather W (Blog, She Wrote)
