Thursday, February 18, 2010

Homeschool Burn-out day 2.... tip of the day!
how about having a board game day?
ya know, all those educational
games you've picked up at curriculum sales?
you were thinking YES! yes or course...
we'll use these for learning in our homeschool!
let's be honest.
have you played them?
have you played them more then once?
do you feel sort of ....
ummm... guilty because you think you should be
pushing workbooks, instead? or trudging through a dry textbook
that makes you yawn and your kids eyes glaze over?
well... here's the green light... permission if you will...
get out of the box...
gather up those games and shout out to your kids...
"let the games begin!"
games we enjoy:
apples to apples
scrabble slam
scrabble sentences
erie canal
some body
mind your manners
bird memory game
rummy q
card games
so... tell me, what games does your family play?
leave a comment.
smile, wink, nod!

this just in.... my friend lisa (a homeschool mom who's nails are painted red!) at cornerstone home learning just shared a couple of fantastic math links on her site! long division on-line! plus, multiplication links! all free, too! click here: cornerstone home learning! long division on-line? sounds like a fun challenge! don't you think?


  1. We mostly play Scene It -different varieties. I have tons of games though, and I will be pulling them down next week and playing a bunch. We like the Cranium games too. And I have a Pilgrims Progress game we've never ever played, though I paid FULL PRICE for it.

  2. Dh's fav game is RISK & Alaithia is really liking it now, too (loaded with geography, strategy, & dividing by 3 to find out how many armies you get each turn). I LOVED your homemade games shared at the mtg - even more learning when the child makes the questions! Oh, & dh had an idea for about an on-going Trivial Pursuit game? Your child puts questions on a 3x5 card & files them in categories - he can keep adding questions as he learns:)

  3. Sorry and Taboo are a couple favorites around here and an old game called Acquire my dad recently bequeathed to us. Plus the boys and dad have been known to have Risk marathons leaving the game board set up for weeks on end to continue play whenever dad is back home.

  4. My 10yr old received scrabble SLAM as a hannukah/Christmas gift from a family friend, and everybody loves it.
    Recently she was also gifted a Littlest Pet Shop version of Monopoly for her birthday, where we all nominated her to be the banker. Hours of fun, and she doesnt even realize she's learning!

    Next stop, my antiquated game of Uncle Wiggly :)
