Tuesday, March 2, 2010

tuesday afternoon, finds me pulling another homeschool tip from my hat!
i can't teach everything. there are some things that i don't want to know. things i never want to know and subjects and material that i've never used or heard about in 45 years. and yes... i've lived a very well and enriched life without knowing what quantum mechanics involves or mitosis vs. meiosis. that said... there is help out there!
and i call it you-tube school.
this link has a bazillion you tube type videos -- with excellent--excellent explanations!
on some pages there are even links to quizzes and worksheets. it's all free. for K-12!
today and yesterday, we took a trip down the "atom" trail. we watched movies (3) about atoms- with very simple explanations. followed by 2 quizzes. for "us," it beats the heck out of trying to read a dry science book, with limited info... and scientific facts that yours truly doesn't understand-- so how can i possibly be an effective teacher? problem solved-with this website! we are both gaining different perspectives from different you-tube movies and being taught with different examples! and this site isn't limited to science... you can learn about the french revolution and even the history of india.
this place is a blessing!


  1. Amen! I will be bookmarking that neo site you linked to. I have been enjoying Khan Academy math videos (do a google search for Khan Academy) - I want to learn the math that I never understood before, so I'm teaching myself, too! I love the Animaniacs and Schoolhouse Rock videos that can be found on youtube. And when we studied the aurora borealis? We found video on youtube to see it in action - almost as good as heading north!

  2. I love youtube!!!! I use youtube vids to enhance my Spanish classes too.
