Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I recently read this encouraging blurb about homeschooling, well, it was in my latest issue of Home Education magazine... I loved it and thought it was worth sharing! I hope it makes your day, too!

The future for our homeschooling community is about what kind of world we leave our kids and grandkids. Will it be a world where they can and do have family and a larger community to rely on? Or a world where their needs are met by institutions and governmental policies?

I love this next part: A world where mandated tests, grades and the accompanying labels define them? Or a world where they have the opportunity to define themselves by the responsibilities they chose to assume?

Our plan for the future should include helping our children understand and accept the importance of examining the options they are presented with, whatever form they may take, and helping them learn to make good decisions about those options.

As homeschooling parents we have reclaimed responsibilities that had become the sole province of educational institutions. In assuming these responsibilities, homeschooling families have rediscovered an understanding about children and learning that cannot be learned via educational institutions.

What's your opinion?

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