Thursday, February 5, 2009

The past couple of days, has been NO circus around here.... Tommie's been hit with a creepy stomach flu bug. Headachy, lethargic and sleeping on and off. And, a fever. He seems to be about 50% better, tonight. He ate a good dinner and a bowl of pretzels. He's craving ice water. I get the heebie jeebies and break out in a rash, if the t.v. runs too long... so, for the good part of yesterday and today, I spent time reading to him. The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Apologia Science, Waiting for Anya. I also pulled out a stack of educational videos and dvds. One on Biodiversity. One on How Money is Made-The Mint. And, World War 2 videos. Tonight, we're watching Because Of Winn Dixie, which I picked up for free at the library last night. I'm really tired of just sitting around. We're forgoing our homeschool co-op tomorrow, I don't want to expose others to this. Raising my coffee cup and hoping for a better day tomorrow. Salute!

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