Thursday, May 7, 2009

No homework.

Today was the day we had 4 additional children in my small home today! My plan was to do an hours worth of Shakespeare with them... oh yes. I had visions of all 4 boys ages 9-13... and one 5 year old girl... all attentively listening to me. All joyfully asking questions about Stratford -Upon-Avon. All, sitting perfectly around my kitchen table. All ready to learn. I mean homeschool kids are suppose to have this unconditional passion and love of learning, right? Well, that's not exactly how this big idea of mine unfolded. The boys decided to make Lego Movies with the video camera, instead. And, play guns and pellet guns with targets outside...for a good long time. I enjoyed the five year old girl. Wow. Girls are sure different then boys. This little gal just loved to color and her attention span exceeded all of the boys put together. I really enjoyed her.
The agreement was...after Tommie's friends left... math and reading needed to be tackled. And, it was.
The one thing I am grateful for... is we don't have homework to bog down our evenings. Where am I going with this? You see, homeschooling allows kids the freedom to pursue their God-given interests.... instead of sitting at the kitchen at night doing busy work .. they can follow their passion...maybe take the pistons out of an engine or transmission from a junk riding lawn mower... yeah, that's what Tommie's done the past two nights. And, homework isn't the only way to give kids responsibility, either. No, we've got that covered...Tommie had been working back over at the neighbors filling in potholes with dirt and a wheel barrow and earning a little pocket change. And, learning a lot about working for someone else.
I went to our library today. I picked up a couple of Hardy Boys books. Fingers crossed, I'm hoping he falls for these...since there's a gazillion in the series. I don't recall the name of them....but one's about a tractor and the other is about WW2.
Is it almost Friday...again?


  1. if anyone could interest the boys in Shakespeare, it'd be you, Michele!

  2. Amen to that! I love that whole idea of following those interests instead of working all night on homework. I like checking on your blog to see what you're up to. Have a hugely blessed day.
