Wednesday, May 13, 2009

This video, A Wrinkle In Time... is due back at the library tomorrow. So, I made an early dinner of soup and salads, and on this rainy night... decided we should honker down and watch it. Put it this way... I'm glad it was free. I figured it would be wonderfully entertaining, since it was Disney and based on the Newberry Award Winning Novel, but it was way out there. I'm thinking it would of made sense if you were using drugs... hard drugs-- the kind from the 70's. Perhaps the actual book is better? Hold your tomatoes.... this is just my opinion. smile, wink, nod.


  1. If I remember right, the movie only makes sense if you know the book. And the book is "out there" too, but in a really deep and poignant way. One of my favorites since I was 10 years old. David really loved it, and I bet Tommie would too. I should read it aloud again to my kids, now that the littler are older. Or maybe I'll wait a year so Suzy will get the full effect.

  2. I agree with the other poster. I didn't care for the movie, but enjoyed the book, and I'm not a big sci-fi fan. I didn't think the movie followed the book very closely, if I remember correctly.

    At least the movie was free.

    I use to have a young adults book club when I worked in a library, and we would read the book and then watch the video. This is one that we did. We read the whole series, but the seemed to get stranger as you went along. The first book, I think, was the best.
