Friday, September 4, 2009

as you can see by this picture... fashion, matching and trendy clothes are not on my boys agenda. he could care less about matching. it just never occurs to him. obviously.

for fun this morning, we did "ladder math." he's working with numbers in the trillions (like, when in the real world have you ever worked with any number containing a trillion?) but, okay... i'm teaching it. i set up this ladder, made a number containing a trillion, and then made directions on little cards, stating what to do; subtract 40,000,000. on the next step was a card that said add $32,000. etc. each ladder step featured a different direction. we ran through it twice. it was something fun to do for a warm-up and got us both out in the fresh morning air.

we did our regular homeschooling routine and then headed off to a two-hour game of homeschool kickball, with members from our co-op. the kids had a blast. perfect day for it.

my pal, teresa way down in texas, sent me this wonderful link for 5 homeschool freebie links! just click here! i especially think this link looks interesting!

1 comment:

  1. matching: hey there's blue lettering on the shirt and blue on the shorts-close enough!
