Thursday, September 3, 2009

day three of homeschooling

tommie did a little science and math combo today, with a periodic element chart and addition... with a scavenger hunt i found. it is pretty interesting to read and teach about things like cobalt and silicone. with this chart, anyway. it's simple and very interesting. the dog thought so, too. whenever we do lessons on the floor, she lays right on top of whatever project we're doing.

for recess today, tommie played with his air soft gun. i'm thinking this is more like homeschool p.e., since it shooting is a sport, right? and we watched our neighbor shoot canada geese. they fell from the air. well, two anyway. the dnr came and made a scene. would this be considered social studies? i'm documenting it as yes.

as i made homemade soup... i had tommie cut open garlic. he had never seen an actually cut-open garlic clove. he was pretty amused. he helped peel. that was his home-ec class. or should i say: introduction to culinary arts? yeah, that's it. ICA. sound's good doesn't it?

while he cut up a cantaloupe, i read from our read aloud: The Victory Garden. good book. More ICA credit.

He was bullied a little from me and of course he argued back. Who says homeschooled kids don't get bullied by someone bigger then them?

He read more on James Watt. learned the Latin definition of "opt." and for art class, he drew a Bezlebuzz Engine. complete with pistons and steam and the mechanical working parts.

spelling was okay. and so was handwriting. just okay. vocabulary words: journeymen, pulverize, saltpeter, optician, guild.

i popped in a movie about england and am in the process of teaching good note taking and outline skills. handwriting and spelling suddenly improved. as did someone's attitude.

lesson three of horizon's math. going swell.

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