Wednesday, February 17, 2010

how about shaking things up in your homeschooling with an artist study? way back when... when i was a newbie, i thought definitely for-sure i would incorporate artist and composer studies into our homeschool day. oh my... it would be fun, fulfilling and easy, too! my son would be blindly obedient, soaking up beethoven's classics and be able to hold his own in any and all conversations regarding 19th century artists.
truth is... i've only done artist studies twice, in our history of homeschooling. and we've never even touched on composers.

but, studying two artists... is better then none at all. each artist was studied in different years. monet and van gogh. each artist study was a week long. filled with history, geography, art work and report writing.

now you know, you don't necessarily need to re-create or study van gogh's famous haystacks or sunflowers (although, both are fascinating- my son enjoyed learning about the haystacks)... you and your kids could design your own bathtub, which van gogh used in his mental institution... go to the institution today... and the tub stands outside filled with french flowers.... while you're at it... how about researching french flora? see how one thing can lead to another?

adopt nike's slogan and just do it! here's a good resource to get you started: artist study

happy homeschooling!


  1. I shared this one with my husband this morning and he totally agreed: we should do artist and composer studies. That is one of the big reasons we chose to homeschool - funny that we ditched it early on because we have oodles of math and language arts to fit in! (Do we really need that much math & language arts everyday?) Thanks for the reminder of why we're here in the first place.

  2. OK, I am in. I'll get back to you on which artist.
