Wednesday, March 24, 2010

one of the best homeschool tools, i've ever bought, was this hardcover, titled...."on this day." i found it at a local church book sale for a dollar. as the title suggests... each page and sidebar has a big handful of facts and stories of what happened on this day in history. it has been the springboard and spine for most of my son's sixth grade year. i choose the topic and read it aloud and then we discuss it. our conversations are intense at times... covering topics i would of never even thought about discussing. one thing leads to another with this... opinions are tossed around... biblical principals are inserted from me, as well as morals and other ethical issues. i make a conscious effort, to ask "what's your opinion... " and careful not to smash and bash his ideas and opinions... instead, if i disagree, i may gently point out a different view. isn't that just another terrific concept of homeschooling?? no secular teacher or classmates, making fun of you if you think Gorbachev was cool for being a farmer or your not totally sure about an artificial heart or golda meir's place in israel's history? or andy warhol's artwork and painful life?
try amazon used books... maybe you too, could pick up a copy for cheap. i humbly admit, i didn't know 99% of any of this. but at age 45... i'm self-educating. wouldn't glenn beck be proud?


  1. Can you tell me the author or more information so I can try to find this book? thanks!

  2. I am also interested in the Author's name. This book would be a great addition to our personal library.

    On another note, I am really interested in Unschooling and was wondering if you wouldn't mind telling me how you decided to go that route. I feel my heart being tugged in this direction but am not sure how to begin, especially when we have to either do a portfolio review or test each year...Here is my


  3. What a fun book! We use our "Bartlet's Familiar Quotations" book for school - makes excellent copywork, reading, and exposure to famous people and famous sayings. We get a good laugh out of some quotes!
