Saturday, January 17, 2009

snow days?

The schools around here were closed on Friday. Some schools around here close for Martin Luther King Day. Or Columbus Day. Or teacher-in-service day. We even have a local charter school, which closes for the afternoon so the school can go roller skating! And naturally, schools here in Michigan close for... "snow days In our homeschool... we don't close...almost always, never. Oh sure, we enjoy our days off, twice a month at our homeschool co-op and there's the occasional sick days...where we pop in educational videos or spend the day with read-alouds... What about you? Do you follow the traditional school schedule, where you let your kids out of homeschool if the public schools are closed? Or do you just keep at it and press on?


  1. The horrible mom I am, we took friday off because I just could not get out of first gear. We will do a half day on Monday.

  2. I take days off when we need them, but it has nothing to do with weather or if the local school is in session or not.

  3. We take days now and then and every year we have a snowday after the first snow, but usually I don't even know when the schools aren't having school :)

  4. We "do school" from 9 to noon Monday thru Friday regardless of weather or local school schedule. We unschool for the remainder of the day 7 days a week.
